I.         Section 1   Name

1.     The Shanan Gibe Afosha Community Development Association of Toronto shall be the name of this organization. It shall be incorporated under the laws of the State of Ontario, Canada.

2.     The principal office of the Shanan Gibe Afosha Community Development Association (SGACDA), is located in greater Toronto area, GTA.

3.     This is a non-political; non-religious; non-profitable Community Based Association.

 II.         Section 2   Goals and Objectives

The Association is incorporated solely for charitable purposes. The purpose of the Association is:


v  As is a non-political; non-religious; non-profitable organization, established to maintain the cultural heritage of the people of the Gibe Kingdom, as well as to enhance the socio cultural wellbeing of the citizens.  


III.         Section 3   Non-Discrimination Policy

The Shanan Gibe Afosha Community Development Association of Toronto recruits, employs, assigns and promotes staff, terminates employment, accepts patients, volunteers and board members, determines rates of pay and other benefits without discrimination on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic identity, religion or creed.

  IV.         MEMBERSHIP

The members of the Corporation shall be the Board of Directors.

1.     Any Shanan Gibe Oromo over the age of 18 and who is a resident of GTA area and willing to abide by the bylaws of The Association is eligible to be a member. 

2.     Any family member who have at least a tie with a Shanan Gibe Oromo through a blood relations whether they have been born in Jimma or abroad; who may married to one of the Shanan Gibe Oromo or their family members have a privileged membership.

3.     Shanan Gibe is committed to supporting inclusivity; everyone is welcome to Shanan Gibe as far as they agree to live under the rules of Shanan Gibe. Furthermore, Open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of the Shanan Gibe. The organizers of Shanan Gibe, aim and commit to providing a harassment-free and a respectful environment for all. We want every participant to feel welcome, included, and safe at Shanan Gibe.

4.     A prospective member shall be evaluated in accordance with 3.1.1 above and shall be granted membership by the Executive Committee.


1. A member and his/her spouse are defined as a primary member.

2. Dependents are defined as legal and biological children under the age of 18.

3. Relatives are defined as legal and biological children over the age of 18 as well as father & mother of the primary member and his/her spouse.



1. Any Shanan Gibee Oromo who wants to be a member shall fill out the appropriate form designed for this purpose.

2. When a person applies for membership, he/she shall also enroll the names of spouse, dependents, and relatives as defined above, as well as the name of a nominee to receive the benefits. The filled out form together with evidence of the relationship of the beneficiaries shall be submitted immediately to the Secretary of The Afooshaa.

3. A member has an obligation to update, in writing, of changes in family status, whether increase or decrease, as soon as it occurs.

4. A primary member shall nominate at least three individual, in order of preference, who shall be eligible to receive financial benefits in the event of death. The financial benefit will be paid to only one person. It is not intended to split among the individuals.

5. If a member relocates locally in the GT area, or out of Toronto within and outside Canada, he/she shall notify the Executive Committee of his/her new address in writing within 30 (thirty) days.


1. An applicant shall pay a registration fee of $ 100 (Hundred). If the fee cannot be paid in one sum it can be paid in instalments over the first six months but the applicant shall not be eligible for financial benefits as specified in 4.4 below.

2. The monthly membership fee shall be $15.00 (Fifteen) for single members and $20.00(Twenty) for couples and their family, if and when registered. Payments are due during the first 5 days of the month in cash.

3. If a member fails to settle outstanding payments within 90 days, his/her membership shall be terminated with a notice from a President in writing and the membership fees he/she paid to The Afooshaa shall not be reimbursed to him/her.


1. A member shall render services expected of him/her and in general fulfill all that is required of a member as specified in this bylaw.

2. Each member has the duty and responsibility to serve The Afooshaa organization when elected by the General Assembly.

3. All members are required to attend the General Assembly (GA) meetings of The Afooshaa.

4. If a member is absent from General Assembly meeting or fails to pay the membership fee on the due date for reasons beyond his/her control he/she may appeal to the Executive Committee for their consideration by providing legitimate evidence.

5. In the case of death of any one of the beneficiaries, the member or his/her representative has the obligation to report the case to any of the Executive Committee members of the Afooshaa.

6. A member who is informed on time but fails to attend the funeral ceremony or the consolation session shall provide his/he legitimate reason to GA. GA may decide to impose appropriate measure(s).


1. If husband and wife who are registered as joint members legally divorce they shall inform the Executive Committee in writing, within 30 days.

2. If after divorce the individuals wish to continue their membership, both of them can do so as a single member.


If two members, who have been independent members of the Afooshaa, intermarry, they shall, within one month of their marriage, inform the Executive Committee in writing and enrol again in continuing membership as married members.


A member may be terminated from membership under the following conditions, in which case he/she will not be entitled to receive benefits and/or reimbursements of fees.

1. Upon notification by the member to withdraw from membership voluntarily.

2. Upon failure to pay membership fee within 90 days.

3. If a member or his/her dependents return to Ethiopia for good their membership will be terminated

4. Upon failure to fulfill conditions stated under 3.4 above.

5. In the event of a death of a lone member.

6. In the event where both the primary member and his/her spouse die and there is no successor (heir). A successor can automatically enroll without paying the registration fee.

7. If a member fails to abide by the bylaws of the Afooshaa.

8. In disciplinary cases.

9.   If the member misses three consecutive meetings without acceptable justification, the membership automatically terminated.

10. When a member misses his/her first meeting, the warning will be sent from the executive committees, on the second missing, there shall be financial punishment, and if they happened for the third consecutive meeting, he/she shall be terminated by losing anything they have had in the Afosha during their member-hood time. 


1. If a member who withdrew on his own accord applies to be reinstated to membership, he/she shall re-register as though he/she is a new applicant. Reinstatement of financial benefit is subject to a waiting period as stated in Article 4.4.2

2. A person who is expelled from membership because of disciplinary procedures may appeal for reinstatement to the General Assembly for forgiveness with a sincere public apology. The General Assembly shall make, and notify the applicant, of its final decision.


1. General Assembly of Members shall meet every month at a place, day and time declared by a General Assembly. Special meetings may be called any time as decided by the Executive Committee.

2. General Assembly Elections shall be held every other year.



Section 1      Powers and Duties of the Board

The Board of Directors shall manage the business, property and affairs of the organization, and may exercise and delegate any and all of the powers of the organization as it sees fit, subject only to restrictions imposed by statute, the organizational Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall establish corporate and administrative policies; authorize operational goals and objectives; emphasize overall corporate planning; authorize agreements and contracts; adopt the budget; approve committee appointments; employ, direct and discharge executive personnel; authorize meetings; review committee reports; and determine action to be taken. Board members shall actively participate in community outreach, gift solicitation, and event and campaign planning. They shall have the power to terminate memberships.

Section 2      Number of Directors and Compensation

The board shall have up to as much as interested members. The board receives no compensation other than reasonable expenses.

Section 3      Term

Board members shall be elected to two-year terms and are eligible for election for up to two consecutive terms. Directors may be renominated for service on the board following a one-year absence from the board. Lifetime service to the organization is limited to eight years. These eight years gives a meaningful of our exercising Gada systems.

Inline with the Gada System, age of the board member shall be given priority followed by educational background, work experiences and public services at different capacities.

Section 4      Elections

The Nominating Committee will nominate one person for each of the available seats to be filled on the Board of Directors by June of each year.  A majority of directors present at such a meeting shall elect new directors, provided there is a quorum present. Directors so elected shall serve a term beginning on the first day of the next fiscal year. The academic/fiscal shall be considered in Ethiopian calendar.

Section 5      Minimum number

A minimum number will consist of a simple majority (51%) of the Board of Directors.  A quorum of the Board of Directors must present to conduct the goal hunt. 

Section 6      Meetings

Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held as determined by the Board.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time upon fourth eight (48) hour notice, oral or written, by the President, Secretary, Treasurer, or by any of the Board of Directors.

Section 7      Notice of Meetings

Written notice stating the place, date and hour of any regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be delivered personally, virtually, or by mail to each Director with a minimum of ten (10) days notice.

Section 8      Virtual Meetings

Members of the Board of Directors or any committee designated by the Board may participate in a meeting of such Board or committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment by which all persons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other. Participation in a meeting pursuant to this section shall constitute presence at such meeting.

Section 9      Resignations, Termination and Absences

Resignation from the board must be in writing and received by the President or the Secretary. Board members may be excused from attendance upon notification to the President prior to the scheduled meeting. Board members shall be terminated from the board due to excess absences, more than two unexcused absences from board meetings in a year. A board member may be removed for other reasons by a three-fourths vote of the remaining directors.

Section 10    Vacancies

Vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors may be filled at any time by appointment of the President with approval of two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.  The appointment will be for the unexpired term of the position. Fulfillment of appointed partial terms shall not count toward a director’s term; appointed directors may serve additional full terms subject to term limitations addressed in Section 3.


Section 1      General

The Officers of this Corporation shall be President, President Elect, Past President, CEO or Executive Director, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each Officer of this Corporation shall be a member of the Board of Directors.


Section 2      Election and Terms of Office

All officers, except for the CEO, shall be elected for a one (l) year term with no more than two (2) consecutive one-year terms in the same office. No one person may hold more than one office at the same time.

Section 3      Resignation and Removal

Whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, the best interests of the organization will be served, any officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors. Any officer may resign at any time by delivering a written resignation to the President or the Secretary.

Section 4      Vacancies

In the event a vacancy occurs in any Officer's position, it shall be filled in the following manner until the next annual election:

1.     President - The President Elect shall assume the office.

2.     In case of vacancy in the office of both President and President Elect, the Secretary shall perform the duties of the Office of President, until the Board elects replacements.

3.     The Board of Directors shall elect replacements for all other vacancies.



Section 1      Committee formation

The board may create committees as needed. The President appoints all committee chairs from the membership of the Board. The President may appoint limited term task forces at any time with approval by the Executive Committee; standing and longer term committees shall be created with the affirmation of majority vote of the board.

Section 2      Executive Committee

Board officers serve as the members of the Executive Committee. Except for the power to amend the articles of incorporation and bylaws, the Executive Committee shall have all the powers and authority of the board of directors in the intervals between meetings of the board of directors, and is subject to the direction and control of the full board.

Section 3   Financing the corporation

All the members shall be subjected to the amount identified/ but not limited for each members. Accordingly, the

Membership dues are per fiscal year and are tiered as follows:

a.  $1,000 registration fees to be paid within 90 days,

b. $500 annual membership fees to be paid within the first 3 months of the fiscal year

b) $500 (business/organization)

Section 4: Banking

Income and capital accounts for the project will be set up by 3 people who shall be elected by the members:

a)     Name of the bank:

b)     A place where accounts maintained:

Section 5: Books/Account

1. Accounting books and other records pertinent to the Partnership will be kept at _________________________________ {location of books}, and any partner and/or his/her representative may have access to the books during normal business hours.

2. The accounts for this Partnership will (description of how they will be maintained, included when they will be balanced and whether they will be kept on a cash basis or other method) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Section 6      Finance Committee

The treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee, which has at minimum _______ members. The Finance Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures and annual budget with staff and other board members. The board must approve the budget and all expenditures must be within budget. The board or the Executive Committee must approve any major change in the budget.

The Finance Committee on an annual basis shall appoint an audit task force who shall monitor the audit process. The task force shall be chaired by a member of the board that does not serve on the Finance Committee and shall have at minimum ________ members from the Finance Committee represented.

Section 7      Strategic Planning

The Strategic Planning Committee shall be chaired by the President Elect of the board and consist of not less than __________ members. The Committee shall monitor the implementation of the strategic plan.

Section 8      Nominating Committee

The nominating committee shall be chaired by the past president and consist of not less than ____ members. Members of the nominating committee are not eligible for officer positions. The President Elect shall serve as an ex officio member of this committee. The committee shall be responsible for selecting a slate of directors and officers for consideration by the full board on an annual basis.

Section 9      Members rights and Responsibilities

1) Maintain organizational successes

2) Direct refrain from dissipation any information about the organization to nonmember even to potential members

3) Direct enquiry about the organization to the spokesperson or to a person designated by the board for clarifications

4) If a member comes across a potential members it is grass improvement to correct mistake, and draw new plan to bring transformation

5) Direct that person to the board to process the membership

6) Fulfill the given assignment on time. The board decision must be respected and fulfilled

7) A member may withdraw from membership of the organization by requesting in a written letter to the board.

8) Up on termination by the board or self-withdrawals, the member surrenders all the money contributed already.

9) Inter membership discussion about the organization is discouraged.

Grounds for termination:

1) Must fulfil the assignment

2) Not paying dues

3) Disseminate wrong information as to defame the organization

4) Bad behavior


Section 1      Documents, Obligations and Disbursements

Policies regarding documents, obligations and disbursements are set forth in the organization’s operations policies, which shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the board.


Section 1      Fiscal Year

The designated fiscal year of this corporation shall be September 1st to August 31st.

Section 2      Parliamentary Authority

The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall serve as the Parliamentary Authority for the organization. Simply, the person who was leading the organization will lead the meeting and provide agendas and explanations. Then other process of discussion and any required action/ activities will continue by keeping its step as to making members to participate.


Section 1      General

Unless expressly prohibited by law, the Corporation shall fully indemnify any person made, or threatened to be made, a party to an action, suit or proceeding (whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative) by reason of the fact that such person, or such person's testator or in testate, is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation or serves or served any other enterprise at the request of the Corporation, against all expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid or to be paid in settlement incurred in connection with such action, suit or proceeding.

Section 2      Limitation of Liability

Officers, directors and other persons who perform services for the corporation and who do not receive compensation other than reimbursement of expenses ("volunteers") shall be immune from civil liability. Regardless of the amount of liability insurance maintained, this limitation of liability for volunteers and employees shall not apply when the injury or damage was a result of the volunteer or employee's willful misconduct, crime (unless the volunteer or employee had reasonable cause to believe that the act was lawful), transaction that resulted in an improper personal benefit of money, property or service to the volunteer or employee, or act or omission that was not in good faith and was beyond the scope of authority of the corporation pursuant to this act or the corporate charter. This limitation of liability shall not apply to any licensed professional employee operating in his or her professional capacity. The Corporation is liable only to the extent of the applicable limits of insurance (if any) coverage it maintains.


Section 1.     Amendments

The Governance Committee shall review the Bylaws annually.  In order to amend the Bylaws, notice of the proposed amendment shall be delivered personally, electronically or by mail to each member of the Board of Directors at least two weeks prior to the time of the vote on the proposed amendment.  The Bylaws shall be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.




1. A member has the right to attend and participate in General Assembly meetings, to give his opinions, and to elect officers as well as to be elected to the offices of The Afooshaa.

2. A member shall have one vote directly or by proxy.

3. A member can at any time and for any reason discontinue his/her membership. A member who discontinues his/her membership has no right to claim a refund of membership contributions, registration fees, and any other contributions.

4. If a member is suffering serious disability or illness and cannot pay the membership contributions, he/she may request a waiver from membership contributions. All requests must be made in writing and providing legal evidence to The Afooshaa Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall grant the waiver by a majority vote for a maximum period of 3 (three) months. If the disability or illness lasts longer than 3 months, the Executive Committee shall present the case to the General Assembly for alternative solutions.



1. If a member, his/her spouse, or a legal/biological child under 18 residing in the Canada, dies, The Afooshaa shall provide, in the hand of a nominated representative, $500 (Five Hundred Dollars) to cover burial costs.

2. If a dependent under 18 residing outside the Canada dies, he/she shall be treated as “Bossissu” and the primary member would be entitled to the corresponding benefits.

3. If a member’s and/or spouse’s registered relative, as defined in 3.2.3, dies, irrespective of their place of domicile, the case shall be treated as “Bossisuu” and shall be accorded the benefit prescribed for the latter.

4. In the case of “Bossisuu”, The Afooshaa shall arrange for the supply of food and beverages, one time during the first week at the family residence where bereavement takes place. The total expense for this shall not exceed $400.00 (Four Hundred Dollars). A member shall receive no other financial benefit associated with “Bossisuu”.


1. The Executive Committee shall designate 5 members each day, which will provide company to the family of the deceased for the first three days.

2. All members shall attend the local burial ceremony.

3. All members shall visit the family of the deceased at least once during the first week of bereavement, both for the death of a family member/dependent as well as the death of a relative, as defined under 3.2.3 above.

4. The Afooshaa does not directly assume responsibility for arranging funeral home, Mosque ceremonies, burial place or handling burial operations. It only assists close relatives and members of the bereaved who perform these duties


1. The waiting period before a member is eligible to receive the financial benefit specified in 4.2 above is 6 (six) months from the day an applicant becomes a member of Afosha. During the said waiting period, a member and qualified dependents (under the age of 18) shall not be eligible for financial assistance for burial services. However, all social support benefits shall be provided as stipulated in this bylaw.

2. A waiting period for reinstatement shall be 6 (six) months. In the first three months, there will be no benefit; the second three months will have a 50% benefit.


1. In the unfortunate event involving multiple deaths from the same family due to an accident or incident, The Afooshaa shall pay a single benefit per primary member.

2. In the event that The Afooshaa cannot pay out benefits from its own treasury due to a large number of deaths in any given year, members shall make voluntary contributions towards covering burial costs. 


No member of the Program Committee shall maintain personal or business interests that conflict with The Afooshaa Bylaws.


The members of the Program Committee shall serve The Afooshaa without compensation.



1. In connection with the business of The Afooshaa if a member: (a) Insults another member(s) or the Executive Committee member(s); (b) Hampers meetings and works of The Afooshaa, the Executive Committee shall investigate the matter and impose a fine of up to $ 30.00 (Thirty Dollars).

2. If a member: (a) Inflicts repeated incidents of a kind cited under 6.1.1 above or inflicts a more serious act or; (b) Is proved to have involved in falsifying information or deceiving The Afooshaa to receive benefits, in theft or any act of dishonesty, he/she will be expelled from membership

3. A complaint that a member of The Afooshaa has violated its rules may be filed with the President who may initiate an investigation thereof.

4. Upon determining the merit of the case, the President shall refer the matter to the Executive Committee for further actions.

5. A written notice shall be sent to the member in question by a registered or certified mail at least 30 calendar days prior to a meeting of the Executive Committee.

6. A member of The Afooshaa may be suspended, expelled or otherwise disciplined for violation of this bylaw.

7. A person who is expelled from membership due to disciplinary reasons cannot claim reimbursements and The Afooshaa will not entertain such demands.


Overall activity report shall be presented to the General Assembly by the President; Financial Report by the Treasurer.


The fiscal year of The Afooshaa shall be from January 1st of the year to December 31st of the same year.


This By-law shall not be changed or replaced, modified, or amended except by the two- thirds majority vote of the General Assembly of Members.          



The Afooshaa may be dissolved, for justifiable reasons, by a two-thirds majority vote. In the event of dissolution, the assets of The Afooshaa, including cash reserves, shall be donated to Shanan Gibee Oromo non-profit organization by a two-thirds majority choice.




This by-law shall become effective on the _____day of ________ 2017upon approval by the General Assembly of Members. 


The amendment of this by-law shall become effective on the _____day of ________ 2017 upon approval by the General Assembly of Members.


Shanan Gibee has an expansive vision for growth in the future. For now, we introduced you to the trials & tribulations of the calamity; as well as the strengths of being together during these hardest of times, when we have to bury a member of the family.

In the future however; we are striving at having additional services to meet our Shanan Gibee Oromo community needs. But we also welcome and encourage any ideas our Shanan Gibee members may have in mind,

Services we are looking at fulfilling in the future includes but not limited to:

1.     Teaching kids Oromo language (Qubee), Quraan and hadith every week.

2.     Helping community members back home; specially students who are unable to continue their education due to financial needs.






Bylaws certified by Board of Directors:

Dated: _____________


   President, Board of Directors


       Secretary, Board of Directors













AFOOSHAA Membership Registration Form



A.    Information about the Afosha Member

Name: _________________________Date of Birth: _________________Gender: M / F____ Street_____________________ Apartment/house#______________________ Zip:________

City: ____________________ Province__________ Phone: - Home: ______________ Work: ________Mobile:__________ E-Mail: ____________


B.    Information about the spouse (Specify, if different from that of the member)

Name: _________________________Date of Birth: _____________Gender: M / F___  Street ____________________________Apartment/house#__________Zip: _________

City: _______ Province: _________ Phone: - Home: _____________ Work: ______

Mobile: ____________  E-Mail: ____________


C.    Information about Dependents under the age of 18

Name_________ Address (if different from that of the member)___________ Relationship______________ Date of Birth ____________________

D. Information about Members Relatives (father, mother, children over 18 yrs. age) Name_________________ Address__________________ Relationship ____________

E. Information about Spouse’s Relatives (father, mother)

Name_______________ Address______________________Relationship______________


F. Information about Afoosha Beneficiary or Beneficiaries (in case of death)

Name_____________ Address_______________ Relationship ______________________

I, the applicant, ____________________________________________ have received and reviewed the bylaws of Afooshaa and agree to abide by it and fulfill all that is required of a member. I further affirm that all information supplied herein is true and correct and request to be granted membership status to The Afooshaa. ____________________________ ______________________ ______________

Name of applicant ____________Signature of applicant_________Date _____________