
The Following Article and Sub articles shall apply for all Members



1.     In connection with the business of The Afooshaa if a member: (a) Insults another member(s) or the Executive Committee member(s); (b) Hampers meetings and works of The Afooshaa, the Executive Committee shall investigate the matter and impose a fine of up to $ 30.00 (Thirty Dollars).

2.     If a member: (a) Inflicts repeated incidents of a kind cited under 6.1.1 above or inflicts a more serious act or; (b) Is proved to have involved in falsifying information or deceiving The Afooshaa to receive benefits, in theft or any act of dishonesty, he/she will be expelled from membership

3.     A complaint that a member of The Afooshaa has violated its rules may be filed with the President who may initiate an investigation thereof.

4.     Upon determining the merit of the case, the President shall refer the matter to the Executive Committee for further actions.

5.     A written notice shall be sent to the member in question by a registered or certified mail at least 30 calendar days prior to a meeting of the Executive Committee.

6.     A member of The Afooshaa may be suspended, expelled or otherwise disciplined for violation of this bylaw.

7.     A person who is expelled from membership due to disciplinary reasons cannot claim reimbursements and The Afooshaa will not entertain such demands.