
The Following Article and Sub articles shall apply for all Members





1. Any Shanan Gibee Oromo over the age of 18 and who is a resident of GTA area and willing to abide by the bylaws of The Afooshaa is eligible to be a member.  


2.     Shanan Gibee is committed to supporting inclusivity; everyone is welcome to Shanan Gibee as far as they agree to live under the rules of Shanan Gibee. Furthermore, Open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of the Shanan Gibee. The organizers of Shanan Gibee, aim and commit to providing a harassment-free and a respectful environment for all. We want every participant to feel welcome, included, and safe at Shanan Gibee.


3.     A prospective member shall be evaluated in accordance with 3.1.1, above and shall be granted membership by the Executive Committee of The Afooshaa.



1. A member and his/her spouse are defined as a primary member.

2. Dependents are defined as legal and biological children under the age of 18.

3. Relatives are defined as legal and biological children over the age of 18 as well as father & mother of the primary member and his/her spouse.



1. Any Shanan Gibee Oromo who wants to be a member shall fill out the appropriate form designed for this purpose.


2. When a person applies for membership, he/she shall also enroll the names of spouse, dependents, and relatives as defined above, as well as the name of a nominee to receive the benefits. The filled out form together with evidence of the relationship of the beneficiaries shall be submitted immediately to the Secretary of The Afooshaa.

3. A member has an obligation to update, in writing, of changes in family status, whether increase or decrease, as soon as it occurs.


4. A primary member shall nominate at least three individual, in order of preference, who shall be eligible to receive financial benefits in the event of death. The financial benefit will be paid to only one person. It is not intended to split among the individuals.


5. If a member relocates locally in the GT area, or out of Toronto within and outside Canada, he/she shall notify the Executive Committee of his/her new address in writing within 30 (thirty) days.


1. An applicant shall pay a registration fee of $ 100 (Hundred). If the fee cannot be paid in one sum it can be paid in instalments over the first six months but the applicant shall not be eligible for financial benefits as specified in 4.4 below.


2. The monthly membership fee shall be $15.00 (Fifteen) for single members and $20.00(Twenty) for couples and their family, if and when registered. Payments are due during the first 5 days of the month in cash.


3. If a member fails to settle outstanding payments within 90 days, his/her membership shall be terminated with a notice from a President in writing and the membership fees he/she paid to The Afooshaa shall not be reimbursed to him/her.



1. A member shall render services expected of him/her and in general fulfill all that is required of a member as specified in this bylaw.


2.     Each member has the duty and responsibility to serve The Afooshaa organization when elected by the General Assembly.


3.     All members are required to attend the General Assembly (GA) meetings of The Afooshaa.


4. If a member is absent from General Assembly meeting or fails to pay the membership fee on the due date for reasons beyond his/her control he/she may appeal to the Executive Committee for their consideration by providing legitimate evidence.


5. In the case of death of any one of the beneficiaries, the member or his/her representative has the obligation to report the case to any of the Executive Committee members of the Afooshaa.


6. A member who is informed on time but fails to attend the funeral ceremony or the consolation session shall provide his/he legitimate reason to GA. GA may decide to impose appropriate measure(s).


1. If husband and wife who are registered as joint members legally divorce they shall inform the Executive Committee in writing, within 30 days.


2. If after divorce the individuals wish to continue their membership, both of them can do so as a single member.


If two members, who have been independent members of the Afooshaa, intermarry, they shall, within one month of their marriage, inform the Executive Committee in writing and enrol again in continuing membership as married members.


A member may be terminated from membership under the following conditions, in which case he/she will not be entitled to receive benefits and/or reimbursements of fees.

1.     Upon notification by the member to withdraw from membership voluntarily.

2.     Upon failure to pay membership fee within 90 days.

3.     If a member or his/her dependents return to Ethiopia for good their membership will be terminated

4.     Upon failure to fulfill conditions stated under 3.4 above.

5.     In the event of a death of a lone member.

6.     In the event where both the primary member and his/her spouse die and there is no successor (heir). A successor can automatically enroll without paying the registration fee.

7.     If a member fails to abide by the bylaws of The Afooshaa.

8.     In disciplinary cases.


1. If a member who withdrew on his own accord applies to be reinstated to membership, he/she shall re-register as though he/she is a new applicant. Reinstatement of financial benefit is subject to a waiting period as stated in Article 4.4.2


2. A person who is expelled from membership because of disciplinary procedures may appeal for reinstatement to the General Assembly for forgiveness with a sincere public apology. The General Assembly shall make, and notify the applicant, of its final decision.


1. General Assembly of Members shall meet every month at a place, day and time declared by a General Assembly. Special meetings may be called any time as decided by the Executive Committee.


2. General Assembly Elections shall be held every other year.