Our Mission and Vision has brought us all together. We are proudly organizing each other and helping our communities.
This is a person who will lead the Afosha for a specified terms given by the law of the house. He/She can act as a leader, organizer, decider, actor towards the issue related to the Afosha.
Dr. Mohammed Abaoli
Board Director
Board Members
Board members shall be elected by the whole house to lead the Afosha for the specified terms and positions.
Jalal Ali
Spokes person
Samiya Abajobir
Social Affairs
Awal Abe-oli
Executive writer
Salaha Ahmed
Financial Management
Executive Committees
These committees are guaranteed from the five state members of the Shanan Gibe's states. Each state should represent itself to the Afosha. The representing person will be permanent to the Afosha until the state shall terminate his/her term and represent by its other represented. The Executive Committees are committed to owning the Afosha and all the projects under the Afosha. They have the power to terminate the members of the Boards whenever possible, owned the bank account, lead the projects, and all about the Afosha.
Abdulnasser Abamecha
Salaha Ahmed
Ahmedenur Abdurahman
Bikiltu AbaTemam
Dr. Mohammed Abaoli